Garage Door Repair Lee’s Summit MO play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and proper operation of your garage door system. These sensors, typically located near the bottom of the door tracks, detect obstacles or obstructions in the door’s path and prevent it from closing if something is detected.

However, if the sensors become misaligned or malfunction, they can prevent the door from closing properly or cause it to reverse unexpectedly. In this guide, we’ll discuss common issues with garage door sensor alignment and provide step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting and resolving them.

Understanding Garage Door Sensor Alignment

Garage door sensors consist of two units: a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter emits an invisible beam of infrared light, which is detected by the receiver. When an obstacle or obstruction interrupts the beam, the receiver signals the garage door opener to stop or reverse the door’s movement. Proper alignment of the sensors is essential for reliable operation and safety.

Common Issues with Garage Door Sensor Alignment

Several factors can cause garage door sensors to become misaligned or malfunction. Some of the most common issues include:

  1. Physical Obstructions: Objects or debris blocking the path between the transmitter and receiver can prevent the sensors from detecting each other.
  2. Misalignment: If the sensors are not properly aligned with each other, the beam of infrared light may not reach the receiver, causing the sensors to malfunction.
  3. Dirt or Debris: Dust, dirt, or spider webs on the sensor lenses can interfere with the transmission of the infrared beam, leading to false readings or malfunctions.
  4. Electrical Issues: Wiring problems or electrical interference can disrupt communication between the sensors and the garage door opener, causing intermittent operation or failure.

Steps to Fix Garage Door Sensor Alignment

1. Visual Inspection

Start by visually inspecting the garage door sensors and their surroundings for any signs of damage, obstruction, or misalignment. Look for objects blocking the sensor lenses, such as leaves, dirt, or debris, and remove them if necessary. Ensure that the sensors are securely mounted and not loose or wobbly.

2. Clean the Sensor Lenses

Carefully clean the sensor lenses using a soft, dry cloth. Remove any dust, dirt, or debris that may be obstructing the transmission of the infrared beam. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the sensor lenses.

3. Check for Misalignment

Use a level or straight edge to check the alignment of the garage door sensors. The sensors should be perfectly aligned with each other, with the transmitter facing directly towards the receiver. If necessary, adjust the position of the sensors to ensure proper alignment.

4. Test the Sensors

Once you’ve cleaned and aligned the sensors, test them to see if they’re functioning correctly. Stand outside the garage door and press the button on the wall-mounted control panel or remote control to close the door. As the door begins to close, interrupt the beam between the sensors with your hand or a large object. The door should stop and reverse its movement, indicating that the sensors are working properly.

5. Check for Electrical Issues

If the sensors are still not functioning correctly, check for wiring problems or electrical interference. Ensure that the sensor wires are securely connected to the garage door opener and that there are no damaged or frayed wires. If you suspect electrical interference, try relocating the sensors or installing shielding to minimize interference.


Proper alignment of garage door sensors is essential for reliable operation and safety. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can diagnose and fix common issues with sensor alignment, ensuring that your garage door operates smoothly and safely.

Team Taylor Garage Doors of Lee’s Summit

1012 NE Jib Ct STE D, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064, United States
