When I decided to install hardwood floors in my home, one of the most exciting yet challenging aspects of the process was choosing the perfect stain color. The right stain can transform a room, adding warmth, character, and style. However, with a plethora of stain colors and shades to choose from, the decision can be overwhelming.

I’ll share my journey of selecting the ideal hardwood floor stain color, along with valuable insights and tips to help you make the right choice for your own space by following Floor N More Southlake.

1. Consider the Existing Décor and Style

The first step in choosing a hardwood floor stain color is to consider your home’s existing décor and style. Your floor should complement the overall aesthetic. Here are some guidelines for different design styles:

  • Traditional: If your home leans towards a traditional style, classic stains like warm browns, rich mahoganies, or dark cherry can create an elegant, timeless look.
  • Contemporary: For a more modern or minimalist style, light or medium stains, such as natural oak or ash, can create a clean and airy feel.
  • Rustic or Farmhouse: If you love the rustic or farmhouse style, you might opt for stains that enhance the wood’s natural grain and imperfections. Colors like antique browns or weathered grays can work well.
  • Eclectic: If your home has an eclectic mix of styles and colors, consider a neutral or medium stain that can blend with various design elements.

2. Determine Your Desired Mood

The stain color you choose can significantly affect the mood and atmosphere of a room. Think about the ambiance you want to create:

  • Warm and Cozy: Rich, dark stain colors like espresso or chestnut can make a room feel warm and cozy, ideal for bedrooms or living areas.
  • Airy and Bright: Lighter stains, such as natural, honey, or light ash, can make a space feel more open and bright, perfect for kitchens and dining rooms.
  • Timeless Elegance: Classic medium stains like walnut or cherry can exude an air of timeless elegance, suitable for formal dining rooms or entryways.
  • Serene and Relaxing: If you’re aiming for a serene and relaxing ambiance, consider cool, muted stains like gray or taupe.

3. Test Samples in Your Space

Once you’ve considered your existing décor and desired mood, it’s crucial to test stain samples in your space. The way a stain looks in the store or on a small sample can be quite different from how it appears on your entire floor.

  • Get Sample Boards: Purchase small samples or sample boards of the stain colors you’re interested in. Many flooring stores offer these at a low cost.
  • Place Samples in the Room: Place the sample boards in different areas of the room and observe how they look in various lighting conditions. Natural and artificial light can significantly affect the appearance of the stain.
  • Live with the Samples: Don’t rush the decision. Live with the samples for a few days or even a week to get a sense of how each color feels in your space.

4. Consider the Wood Species

The type of wood you have will also impact how stain colors appear. Different wood species have unique grain patterns, color undertones, and characteristics. For example:

  • Oak: Oak is a popular choice with a strong grain pattern and tends to take stains well. It works with a wide range of stain colors, from light to dark.
  • Maple: Maple is a harder wood with a less prominent grain. It’s best suited for lighter stains, as it can appear blotchy with dark stains.
  • Cherry: Cherry has a beautiful, fine grain and often looks best with medium to dark stains, bringing out its natural richness.
  • Walnut: Walnut has a deep, rich color and takes dark stains exceptionally well. It’s ideal for those who want a dark, luxurious look.

5. Balance with Wall Color

Your wall color plays a significant role in the overall appearance of your space. The right stain color should harmonize with the wall color. Here’s how to achieve a balanced look:

  • Complementary Colors: If you have light-colored walls, you can choose a stain color that complements them. Light walls can pair beautifully with medium to dark stains.
  • Monochromatic Look: For a cohesive, monochromatic look, consider staining your hardwood floors in a shade similar to your wall color. This can create a seamless, continuous flow.
  • Contrast: If you want to create contrast, opt for a stain color that contrasts with your wall color. Light walls with dark floors or vice versa can make a strong design statement.

6. Lighting Matters

Natural and artificial lighting can significantly impact the appearance of your hardwood floor stain color. Consider the following:

  • Natural Light: If your room gets plenty of natural light, the stain color may appear lighter and warmer. Take this into account when choosing a stain.
  • Artificial Light: The type and color of artificial lighting can also affect how the stain looks. Warmer lighting can make the stain color appear more red or yellow, while cooler lighting can make it seem grayer.
  • Consider Window Coverings: Window coverings, such as curtains or blinds, can filter natural light and create different effects. Keep these in mind when selecting a stain color.

7. Maintenance and Wear Considerations

Certain stain colors may be more forgiving when it comes to hiding wear and tear. Here are some points to consider:

  • Dark Stains: Dark stains can hide minor scratches and imperfections more effectively. However, they may show dust and pet hair more readily.
  • Light Stains: Lighter stains can help mask dust and pet hair but may reveal scratches more prominently.
  • Mid-Tone Stains: Medium-toned stains often strike a balance, hiding some wear while not exaggerating dust or scratches.

8. Personal Preferences

Ultimately, your personal preferences should guide your choice. The stain color you choose should be one that resonates with you and makes you feel at home. Consider what colors make you happy and create a space that you love to be in.


Based from Floor N More Southlake, selecting the right hardwood floor stain color is a crucial decision in the process of creating a beautiful and comfortable living space. It’s a choice that can have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of your home. By carefully considering your existing décor, desired mood, wood species, lighting, and personal preferences, you can make an informed decision that will enhance the beauty and character of your space. Take your time, explore different options, and enjoy the process of finding the perfect hardwood floor stain color that will make your home uniquely yours.

Floor N More

1621 E Southlake Blvd, Southlake, TX 76092, United States
