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Are There Any DIY Hacks For Streak-Free Windows – NRH Window Cleaning & Glass Repair

Window Cleaning Service North Richland Hills TX can transform the ambiance of any space, allowing natural light to flood in and providing an unobstructed view of the outside world.

While there are numerous commercial window-cleaning products available, you might be surprised to find effective solutions right in your pantry. In this guide, we’ll explore DIY hacks for achieving streak-free windows using common household items.

Vinegar and Water Solution

Create a simple yet powerful cleaning solution by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water. This natural concoction effectively cuts through grease and grime, leaving your windows sparkling. Apply with a microfiber cloth for optimal results.

DIY Citrus Cleaner

Harness the power of citrus to create a fragrant and effective window cleaner. Combine citrus peels with white vinegar and let the mixture sit for a few days. Strain the liquid and dilute it with water for a refreshing solution that leaves no streaks behind.

Cornstarch Magic

Believe it or not, cornstarch can be a game-changer in achieving streak-free windows. Mix two tablespoons of cornstarch with half a cup of vinegar and add this paste to a gallon of warm water. Apply and wipe with a lint-free cloth for a spotless finish.

Rubbing Alcohol Trick

Rubbing alcohol is not just for first aid; it’s also a fantastic window-cleaning ally. Mix one part rubbing alcohol with one part water and a dash of dish soap. This solution evaporates quickly, minimizing streaking.

Black Tea Elixir

Black tea isn’t just for sipping; it can also contribute to streak-free windows. Brew some strong black tea, let it cool, and apply with a sponge or cloth. The tannic acid in tea helps dissolve dirt and leaves your windows gleaming.

Newspaper Magic

If you’re looking for a low-cost solution, reach for yesterday’s newspaper. Spray your window with a vinegar-water solution and wipe it down with crumpled newspaper. The ink acts as a mild abrasive, helping to remove stubborn stains and streaks.

Club Soda Brilliance

Club soda isn’t just a refreshing drink; it’s also an excellent window cleaner. The effervescence helps break down dirt, and the lack of minerals in club soda reduces streaking. Spray and wipe for a quick and effective cleaning session.

Homemade Corn Vinegar Cleaner

Combine cornstarch, white vinegar, and water to create a potent homemade cleaner. This mixture not only tackles dirt but also adds a shine to your windows. Apply with a soft cloth for streak-free perfection.

Lemon Freshness

Lemons, with their natural acidity, can cut through grime and leave your windows smelling fresh. Mix lemon juice with water and a touch of vinegar for a citrusy cleaning solution. Bonus: Lemons also have antibacterial properties.

Essential Oil Elegance

Enhance your homemade cleaning solution with a few drops of essential oil. Lemon, lavender, or eucalyptus not only add a pleasant fragrance but also contribute to the cleaning power, leaving your windows streak-free and smelling delightful.

Fabric Softener Finish

Add a capful of fabric softener to warm water for a streak-free finish. The softening agents reduce water streaks, leaving your windows looking polished and inviting.

Coffee Filter Precision

For a lint-free wipe, opt for coffee filters instead of paper towels or cloth. They’re super absorbent and won’t leave behind fibers, ensuring a streak-free shine.

DIY Wipes for Quick Touch-ups

Create your own window-cleaning wipes by cutting paper towels into squares and soaking them in your preferred cleaning solution. Store them in a sealed container for quick and convenient touch-ups.

Microfiber Magic

Invest in quality microfiber cloths for a streak-free finish. These ultra-soft and absorbent cloths effectively lift dirt and grime, leaving your windows crystal clear without any residue.

Proper Technique Matters

Regardless of the cleaning solution, using the right technique is crucial. Wipe windows horizontally on one side and vertically on the other. This way, if there are streaks, you’ll know which side they’re on.


Window Cleaning Service North Richland Hills TX doesn’t always require expensive commercial cleaners. With these DIY hacks using household items, you can enjoy a crystal-clear view without breaking the bank. Experiment with different solutions to find the one that works best for you, and say goodbye to streaks for good.

NRH Window Cleaning & Glass Repair

7510 Davis Blvd # B, North Richland Hills, TX 76182, United States


Rainy Season Window Cleaning: Strategies for Clear Views During Showers – NRH Window Cleaning & Glass Repair

As a homeowner who loves the cozy ambiance of rainy days, I’ve come to understand that the beauty of rain can sometimes be accompanied by a less desirable guest—streaky windows. Rainwater mingling with dust and pollutants can leave behind unsightly marks on glass surfaces, obstructing the serene views I cherish. Over time, I’ve learned effective strategies to ensure that my windows remain clear and pristine even on the rainiest of days.

In this guide, I’ll share my personal experiences and insights into maintaining clear views through windows during the rainy season, enabling you to appreciate the rain while still enjoying the beauty of unobstructed windows based from Window Cleaning North Richland Hills TX.

Understanding Rain’s Impact on Windows

Rainwater is far from pure; it often carries particles from the atmosphere that can mar the appearance of windows. When rainwater meets glass surfaces, it can leave behind marks, mineral deposits, and a layer of grime. This not only affects visibility but also demands a thoughtful approach to prevent lasting blemishes.

Preparation Before the Rain Arrives

  1. Preemptive Cleaning:Before the rainy season begins, I ensure my windows are thoroughly cleaned. This initial step sets the stage for easier maintenance during and after rainfall.
  2. Rain-Repellent Treatment:Applying a rain-repellent treatment is a game-changer. These treatments create a hydrophobic barrier that causes rainwater to bead up and roll off, minimizing streaks and residue.
  3. Gutter Care:Well-maintained gutters are essential. Properly functioning gutters prevent rainwater from splashing onto windows and leaving unsightly marks.

Maintaining Clarity During Rainfall

  1. Strategic Window Opening:I open windows that are sheltered from direct rain, allowing proper ventilation without exposing glass surfaces to excessive moisture.
  2. Controlled Indoor Humidity:Using dehumidifiers or fans, I maintain a comfortable indoor humidity level. This helps prevent condensation on windows, which can lead to streaks when mixed with rainwater.

Effective Techniques for Post-Rain Cleaning

  1. Vinegar Solution:Mixing equal parts distilled water and white vinegar creates an effective cleaning solution. I spray the solution on the glass, then wipe it away with a microfiber cloth. Vinegar helps dissolve mineral deposits left by rainwater.
  2. Gentle Dish Soap Mixture:A few drops of mild dish soap mixed with water create a gentle yet effective cleaning solution. I apply this mixture, rinse, and then wipe the glass with a clean cloth.

Essential Tools for Rainy Season Window Cleaning

  1. Microfiber Cloths:Lint-free microfiber cloths are my go-to for drying windows after cleaning, leaving no streaks or residue.
  2. Rubber-Bladed Squeegee:A squeegee with a rubber blade efficiently removes excess water from windows, minimizing the risk of watermarks.
  3. Rain-Repellent Products:Exploring rain-repellent products designed for glass surfaces can be a game-changer in preventing rainwater from adhering to windows.

Routine Maintenance During Rainy Days

  1. Weekly Wiping:Dedicate a few minutes each week to wiping down your windows with a microfiber cloth. This practice prevents rainwater buildup and makes deep cleaning less frequent.
  2. Swift Squeegee Action:Keeping a small squeegee handy allows me to quickly remove excess water from windows after a heavy downpour.

Window Cleaning Do’s and Don’ts During Rainy Days


  • Opt for Microfiber: Microfiber cloths gently remove rainwater streaks without scratching the glass.
  • Stay Consistent: Regularly wipe down windows to prevent watermarks and buildup.
  • Try Rain-Repellent Treatments: Consider using rain-repellent treatments to minimize water streaks.


  • Avoid Harsh Scrubbing: Vigorous scrubbing can damage the glass or window frame.
  • Neglect Cleaning: Ignoring window maintenance during the rainy season can lead to stubborn stains.

Conclusion: The Joy of Rain and Clear Windows

In reference to Window Cleaning North Richland Hills TX, the rainy season need not cast a shadow on the clarity of your windows. By preparing in advance, adopting strategic cleaning practices during rainy days, and maintaining consistent post-rain care, you can enjoy rain-spattered views with unwavering clarity. Through the implementation of these strategies and the use of appropriate tools, you can experience the therapeutic joy of raindrops on a pristine windowpane. Embrace the rainy season, enjoy the beauty both inside and outside your home, and let the rain serve as a gentle reminder of the tranquility that can be found in each droplet.

NRH Window Cleaning & Glass Repair

7510 Davis Blvd # B, North Richland Hills, TX 76182, United States


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